Saturday, May 14, 2011

week one

just went through the long process of creating a new gmail address
to create a new blogger account
to subscribe to some ana blogs
and create my own outlet

i was able to pass at least 30 minutes without thinking about how hungry i am. yay.

so this will be an interesting experiment ... i am not ready to post my weight, because i'm a born-again ana and grossly embarrassed by how far i've let myself go.

but today i learned i NEED support. i need to read what others eat every day. and i need to be able to share this experience, in some small way, with others.

i'm a little too tired to write any more right now. i need to read some blogs.


  1. I'm glad you've started this blog and found mine :) I am here to support you. I'm obsessed with blogging so I promise to keep you up-to-date and keep in touch!
