After fasting the other day, I binged the next day. I bought a frozen pizza and ice cream ... possibly the worst choices of all. But it was a shitty day, I was feeling sorry for myself and wanted comfort food. It gave me comfort, no doubt, but it also gave me 1.2 pounds.
Soooo I'm fasting again. I'm almost at 24 hours now, and I'm gonna take some fruit to work for dinner in case I decide to break the fast. But I am going to try to keep it going until tomorrow afternoon, which would give me close to 48 hours. Then I suppose I'll just restart SGD. Tomorrow starts my weekend, so there will be drinking, but if I get hungry-drunk, I'll eat smart.
I'm actually feeling OK right now. Hungry, of course, but I'm really hoping I can make it another day. If not, by the time my dinner break rolls around, I'll have fasted for 30 hours.
Here we go again!
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