Saturday, April 6, 2013

I drank many drinks. I ate about slightly less than a serving of peanuts, not sure. I banged my un-boyfriend for a couple of hours. I want food, I want so much food right now but I'm fighting it. My original plan once this night was over was to fast for 24 hours. So I'll go to sleep now and won't be able to eat until about 8:30 p.m. Then I have 400 calories. I guess. This all gets very complicated when drunk. God, I'm so hungry. I think I took enough Xanax to knock me out for a while, though. I'm hoping the Xanax knocks me out before I give up and eat. No, I'm not going to eat. I am still so fucking disgusting. I don't care that I've lost 13 pounds in three weeks. It's not enough. I am so disgusting. I want to fucking blow my brains out.


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